hive berry logo

hive berry usa states status query

Above; Format for Gov. interface, How to reflect USA Government in a unifourm interface for status and direction


The idea is to use a graphics engine to provide a

3D interface of wonder-sphere and hive-berry clusters as a navigation interface.

hive berry usa os interface

Welcome to Project

Site established Oct. 12th 2021, updated daily.

Eddy Crowley of here, e-mail

Hive-Berry is a software interface built in a graphics engine to provide a 3D interface of wonder-sphere and

hive-berry clusters as a navigation interface. It could also operate as an all encompassing overlay on existing kit

that will be fully encrypted in access to Gov. sensitive information databases / server centres

across the web presenting all valid content available in a standard user interface.

In my opinion a government standard interface is required, one that runs emulators of all major computer

operating systems and database software editions from the last 50 years, giving the ability to replicate

all databases as on native hardware and O.S. via 1 interface in say the NHS with all databases and diagnostic

software run on virtual emulators on modern work stations.

I also think of it as a matter of posterity and as research data for projects on pre internet historic contents.

A big old school computer data haul where every floppy disc, zip and hard drive can be sent

to be added to the future time capsule that it will be: A big H.A.L.

In my opinion it is inevitable in this computer golden age that everybody will have a virtual aspect to their lives, a digital footprint.

This site's objective is to develop a brief and user interface that both Civil Servants and civilians can access with admin/user levels,

for uniform and coherent governance in the 21st century.

Below; Earlier draft of hive-berry interface of hex. lat. wonder spheres within spheres, leading to hive-berry within hive-berry then virtual
emulation of software and data as on original hardware that is emulated by dedicated graphics engines.

hive berry

hive berry cop26

Mock up interface for Global climate change presentation format.

hive berry

A game changing virtual desktop replacement that might be considered for a 'Global status query' on a COP26 interface.

A graphic user interface designed on a 3-D graphics engine to run on say a windows O.S. called Hive-Berry.

An O.S. interface that uses Hex. Lat. sphere and clusters to show all operating systems and database software from various sources run in emulators on one machine.

hive berry gov graphics engine

FaceBook feedback page Click Here.

Below is first draft of '' user interface on A3 and will be adapted to fit.

I am thinking a graphics engine sphere and clusters. I have contacted both Code Masters and Rock Star games designers

to gain interest and am awaiting reply.

hive berry interface

hive-berry cluster explained :

hive berry cluster

Below : Evolution from Bible John. 14. 'God's house' to 'Wonder-sphere' and 'Hive-berry' site format.

hive berry

Classic, easy navigate rolladex as a virtual hive-berry icon evolver for sum up icons with data links and bar codes or equivalent.

hive berry

hive berry

For an example of an interactive Hex-Lat interface see my old gallery site eddy crowley (

hive berry

As you can see on the image below the 'hive-berry' format is fully scalable, multiple options within multiple options, all layered on top of each other.

hive berry

hive berry

hive berry

Below is my hive-berry status query interface for web domains : (All open to offers).

This evolved into interactive graphic as header for this page.

hive berry example

Standard colour choice for wonder-sphere and hive-berry based on basic pen colours and screen ( projected light ) Red, Green, Blue.

hive berry

Idea for pre-internet data salvage hack unit.

Part of this project site is to develop an interface to access data on old machines with old operating systems

by emulation and present the contents in a new standard uniform hexagonal lattice format.

hive berry hack unit

hive berry

hive berry

Below is the first A4 doodle that inspired this site Oct. 12th 2021, I will be evolving the concept for the next few weeks, months etc.

One format for government would be with a ranked privilege to information system and similar but more basic and limited interface for civilians.

hive berry

Plan for hexagonal lattice 3D sphere.

hive berry

hive berry

hive berry

I have some interface doodles that I sent to the G7 about virtual conferences.

hive berry G7

hive berry G7

hive berry G7

hive berry G7

hive berry G7

FaceBook feedback page Click Here.

virtual reality bubble head

A format for peace process in N.I. (see 'Bunker' etc. for my brainstorms on options, starting points for debate).

hive berry

Just for fun a movie idea for 'Lawn-mower man III' 'Robo-Jobe'.

hive berry robo jobe

hive berry

robo jobe

Previous work on V.R. interface on Covid 19 ideas .com VR schooling Links are active.

home buttonbubble hatcru but

VR schoolbuttoncru butother ideas


covid 19 ideas header

Welcome to Covid-19 ideas VR school page.

I have been pondering on an idea for Virtual Reality schooling, taking the idea of Jobe in ' Lawn mower man II ' to the next step

of having a VR hexagonal latus sphere that encompasses the head with VR unit on and a roller ball mouse for navigation.

Please scroll down for full story.


I've been pondering on how students can still study via Virtual Reality classroom distance learning.

virtual reality school

(The ideas on this site are only a starting point, they are generic designs that will be taken in many directions

by many people who will improvise on the concepts and evolve them to suit their circumstances.)


The first draft of VR distance learning is below ( evolved from this idea I posted on FaceBook 10/12/2019 ).

virtual reality classroom

Options to educate anywhere.

robo classroom

Next is the 'Biggie' VR classroom from Win. 10 PC or via Xbox.

virtual reality classroom on win. 10 & Xbox

Windows 10 & Xbox VR classroom portal.
Once the VR lesson is loaded can be used over and over again with different teachers in control of the classroom.

virtual reality learning microsoft

Microsoft global VR degree idea. Pay for live tuition set time classes or just watch class for free.

microsoft vr vern

V.R. distance learning desk and chair format.

vr desk format

Virtual reality distance learning desk format below:

virtual reality distance learning desk format

It could all go a bit 'Lawn mower man II' with Jobe in the multi channel hexagonal latus sphere all with different feeds

and you in reality just spinning around in your office chair poking in the air ?

Jobe Lawnmower man 2


VR GUI hex lat

GUI graphic user interface for VR goggles used to monitor security cameras or many live feeds from a sporting event

for safety and live streaming real time edits. Casinos, prisons and banks could adapt it.

Virtual reality bubble head idea. Step into VR sphere's Bubble head.

virtual reality bubble head

Reminds me of my graphic for 'John 14. God's house has many rooms' below.

john 14

virtual reality wheel

Older VR ideas:

VR luxo view

Advert idea for this site

hive berry

This project is still at an early stage and very much from a dyslexic, bipolar, graphic designer point of view.

I just document options to be considered, might spark other ideas, formats, concepts for the future,

hopefully steps in the right direction.

FaceBook feedback page Click Here

Thanks. Eddy.

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